Embark on Your Journey

Every great quest needs a skilled guide, and our service is exactly that for your digital marketing or software implementation journey.

Consider us your private consultant, your ally in the maze of digital strategy and tech implementation. We're here to ensure that your plans don't just stay on paper but come to life, executed seamlessly.

From strategising to overseeing the minutiae, we manage the path, turning complex projects into successful ventures, ensuring your digital expedition reaches its triumphant destination.


7 Benefits of Working with Jacqui Mac

Personalised Strategy

Each client’s journey is unique, we embraces this by offering customised digital marketing and automation strategies. This tailored approach ensures that solutions are perfectly aligned with your business goals and audience.

Experienced Guidance

With decades of experience in software consultancy and sales, Jacqui Mac brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. This experience translates into insightful, practical advice that helps clients navigate the digital landscape with confidence.

Creative and Engaging Solutions

At the heart of our brand is a passion for creativity and humour. This means not only innovative solutions but also engaging and enjoyable interactions that make the journey of digital marketing fun and memorable.

Focus on Micro-Businesses and Solo-preneurs

Specialising in helping smaller enterprises, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by micro-businesses and solo-preneurs, providing targeted support that makes a real difference.

Empathy and Understanding

Having navigated the ups and downs of business life, Jacqui Mac Consulting offers empathetic support. This understanding of the client's perspective ensures a partnership that’s both supportive and effective.

Comprehensive Service Offerings

From crafting digital marketing strategies to implementing software automation, Jacqui Mac provides a wide range of services. This comprehensive approach means clients can find all the support they need in one place

Commitment to Growth and Success

We are not just a service provider but a partner in growth. There is a genuine commitment to seeing clients succeed, celebrating every victory along the way and providing ongoing support to ensure continued success.